Fallout 4 survival mode overhaul

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Even in a game like Skyrim, if you’re playing without fast traveling, you can still take carriages to and from major cities. A cross-map hike is about eight minutes, and repeat that over and over and over across the same areas, and the game is going to be very dull.

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No Fast Travel though? I guess that fits with the “realism” theme, but in practice, that’s going to get very tiresome, very fast. A solution to this could be giving your character a mobile sleeping bag they’re able to roll out in the wild, so long as no enemies are around. The lack of Fast Travel will see to that.ĭisabling the ability to save except under select conditions punishes you for real life interference, and has nothing to do with “survival” in the game. And all of these things are not going to let you saunter on over to the nearest place with a bed and save.

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I’m looking mainly at the two items about not being able to save outside of sleeping, and the complete disabling of Fast Travel. Granted, I am not the target audience for this sort of thing, as I’m not normally a “play a game on insane difficulty” kind of guy, but some of these seem to be a reach even for something labeled “Survival Mode.”