Show waveform after effects

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This “sliced” version of audio is called “rectified.” To solve this problem, Premiere, like other NLEs, displays only half the audio wave – the positive values which are above the zero (center) line. However, seeing audio as a wave makes it harder to determine volume, because the loudest portions of a clip are at both the top and bottom of the wave.

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The farther audio gets from the centerline, the louder it becomes. That centerline is defined as the place where audio has no volume. When the sound is recorded, it is recorded as a wave, where the audio has both positive and negative values above and below a centerline. The same audio clip displayed as rectified audio (top) and full audio wave (bottom).Īnother timeline display option in Premiere is “Rectified Audio Waveforms.” Any guesses what these are – and why you might use them?Īll audio is a wave that travels through the air from its point of origination to our ears or a microphone.